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A differentiation formula for spherical Bessel functionsBOERSMA, J; GLASSER, M. L.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 2005, Vol 38, Num 8, pp 1687-1690, issn 0305-4470, 4 p.Article

Transformation de Fourier sphérique de type δ = δ-type spherical Fourier transformKANGNI, K; TOURE, S.Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal. 1996, Vol 3, Num 2, pp 117-133, issn 1259-1734Article

Spherical functions on homogeneous superspacesZHANG, R. B; ZOU, Y. M.Journal of mathematical physics. 2005, Vol 46, Num 4, pp 043513.1-043513.21, issn 0022-2488Article

Analytic expressions for integrals of products of spherical Bessel functionsMEHREM, R; LONDERGAN, J. T; MACFARLANE, M. H et al.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1991, Vol 24, Num 7, pp 1435-1453, issn 0305-4470Article

A generalization for the infinite integral over three spherical Bessel functionsMEHREM, R; HOHENEGGER, A.Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical (Print). 2010, Vol 43, Num 45, issn 1751-8113, 455204.1-455204.9Article

Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Stellar Velocity Field Using Vector Spherical FunctionsVITYAZEV, V. V; TSVETKOV, A. S.Astronomy letters (Print). 2009, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 100-113, issn 1063-7737, 14 p.Article

Application du produit star de Berezin à l'étude des paires de Gelfand résolubles = Application of the Berezin's star product in the study of the solvable Gelfand pairsBoukary Baoua, Oumarou; Arnal, Didier.1999, 128 p.Thesis

Homogeneous simplex splinesNEAMTU, M.Journal of computational and applied mathematics. 1996, Vol 73, Num 1-2, pp 173-189, issn 0377-0427Article

New generating functions for Gegenbauer polynomialsEXTON, H.Journal of computational and applied mathematics. 1996, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 191-193, issn 0377-0427Article

On a conjecture of Stanley on Jack symmetric functionsKOIKE, K.Discrete mathematics. 1993, Vol 115, Num 1-3, pp 211-216, issn 0012-365XArticle

Extension of spherical nonparametric estimators to nonisotropic kernels an oceanographic applicationHODGES, K. I.Monthly weather review. 1999, Vol 127, Num 2, pp 214-227, issn 0027-0644Article

Relativity, spherical functions and the hypergeometric equationsUNTERBERGER, A.Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique. 1995, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 103-144, issn 0246-0211Article

Numerical evaluation of spherical bessel functions of the first kindJABLONSKI, A.Journal of computational physics (Print). 1994, Vol 111, Num 2, pp 256-259, issn 0021-9991Article

Analyse harmonique sur le demi-plan de Poincaré fini tordu = Harmonic analysis on the twisted finite Poincaré's upper half planeSOTO-ANDRADE, J; VARGAS, J.Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique. 1999, Vol 328, Num 5, pp 375-380, issn 0764-4442Article

Characterization of p-generalized normalityGUPTA, A. K; SONG, D.Journal of multivariate analysis. 1997, Vol 60, Num 1, pp 61-71, issn 0047-259XArticle

L-functions in scattering on generalized Cayley treesCHEKHOV, L.Journal of Technical Physics. 1996, Vol 37, Num 3-4, pp 301-305, issn 0324-8313Conference Paper

Spherical q-functionsGRANOVSKII, YA. I; ZHEDANOV, A. S.Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general. 1993, Vol 26, Num 17, pp 4331-4338, issn 0305-4470Article

Graphics of truncated sinusoidsRAMESH, S. R.Computers & graphics. 1989, Vol 13, Num 4, pp 545-547, issn 0097-8493Article

Sur l'inversion de la transformation d'Abel et les fonctions sphériquesHba, Ahmed; Rouvière, François.1988, 100 p.Thesis

An endpoint estimate for the discrete spherical maximal functionIONESCU, Alexandru D.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2004, Vol 132, Num 5, pp 1411-1417, issn 0002-9939, 7 p.Article

Spherical harmonics and a singular integralNAMAZI, J.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1993, Vol 179, Num 2, pp 507-511, issn 0022-247XArticle

Product formulas and convolutions for angular and radial spheroidal wave functionsCONNETT, W. C; MARKETT, C; SCHWARTZ, A. L et al.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 1993, Vol 338, Num 2, pp 695-710, issn 0002-9947Article

Expansion de la partie sphérique de la fonction de perturbationTITOV, V. B.Astronomičeskij žurnal. 1989, Vol 66, Num 1, pp 199-201, issn 0004-6299Article

Irreducible Representations of the Free Product of GroupsHEBISCH, Waldemar; MLOTKOWSKI, Wojciech.Indiana University mathematics journal. 2010, Vol 59, Num 1, pp 131-182, issn 0022-2518, 52 p.Article

Fonctions généralisées sphériques sur G(C)/G(R)Harinck, Pascale; Vergne, Michèle.1988, 87 p.Thesis

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